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“It is always possible in this present moment to clarify your values and begin to live a mindful values-based life.

…values are statements about what we want to be doing with our life; about what we want to stand for, and how we want to behave on an ongoing basis. They are leading principles that can guide us and motivate us as we move through life. As you begin to identify and clarify your own values, it is important to focus simply on what matters most to you in life. The idea is not what you “should” value, but what you actually do value. Begin to look towards what areas of your life make you feel the most fulfilled.


Values provide a sense of direction that guides us toward greater meaning and purpose. Begin to think of values as an “ongoing guide for your actions”. In this sense, values are something we can use to keep our lives moving in the direction that leads towards the greatest possibility of fulfillment, meaning, and purpose.


Goals are like the stepping stones on the larger path that makes up a value.


5 Key Points About Values

Values exist in the present moment … goals are in the future


Values do not need to be explained or justified… make emotional space to truly accept your real values without judgment.


Values often need to be prioritized Consider what matters most and direct your behavior in order of importance to you.


Values are best held lightly. Allow your values to take new forms and develop over time… values need not be rigid or static.


Values are freely chosen. Your true values are not imposed on you from external sources… they come from a deep place within… from your deepest heartfelt intuition of what matters most to you.


How would your life begin to feel different if you began to consciously direct your behaviors to be oriented in the pursuit of your most deeply held values? In order to begin to effectively build a life directed by your true values, you must be willing to be completely honest with yourself about what really matters the most to you in life. Consider the times when you feel the happiest and most fulfilled… what values are you living at those times? How can you begin to build effective patterns of action guided by those values?”


Our personal values are those qualities that we believe in and regard highly as to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance.

In this list of values, choose 10 that you strongly believe in and to which you would like to be more committed:


Acceptance            enthusiasm            intelligence            respect for others                achievement          equality                 

Joy                          results                    appearance           excellence                              justice                     risk

Assertiveness         fairness                  kindness                 security                                  authenticity           faith

Love                        self-respect            authority                fame                                       loyalty                    social recognition

Balance                  family                     open-mindedness        spiritual growth        career                 forgiveness

Optimism               spirituality             caring                     friendship              participation         self-care                

Compassion           passion                   status                      common sense                      fun                          peace     

Success                  competition           happiness              perfectionism        teamwork              conforming           health

Personal growth                   tolerance               courage                  honesty                  pleasure                 trust

Creativity               hope       power                     truth                       decisiveness          influence                pride       unity

Education              innovation             relationships         wealth                    integrity                 religion                   wisdom


Now, narrow your list to your top five


Think about behaviors of yours that are in conflict with your top five values, and how your behaviors would change if you were to honor your values.



Source -

     Laura. (2011) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy




What are YOUR Values?

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